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Northville Mustangs Football is completely self-funded (via the NFPA) through various fundraising events and programs. All athletes attending Northville Public Schools must pay to play but none of this money is distributed to any specific sport. All sports teams and non-sports activities at Northville High School must earn monies to support their individual programs. The NFPA needs your support of the following to maintain and build the Northville Football Program and support our teams:

MUSTANG CARDS: Cards containing discounts for local restaurants/establishments are sold in August. All players are expected to participate in this fundraiser and sell as many cards as possible at $20/card. Prizes are awarded based on the number of cards a player sells. The more he sells, the more prizes he earns. The program goal is to sell 20 cards per player. This is the primary fundraiser in terms of monies earned for the Northville Football program. On Blitz Night, all players canvas the neighborhoods in small groups to sell cards. The success of the card sale is imperative.

STORY OF THE SEASON: SOS is an interactive digital recap covering the entire Northville High School football season for families, fans, alumni, and subscribers. The weekly SOS publication includes video highlights, articles, photos, interviews, behind the scenes content and more for that game week. Businesses may use a personally-designed ad or SOS will design an ad at no additional cost.

BANNER SALES: Business advertising banners are sold to be displayed at home Varsity games. If you know of a business that may be interested in purchasing one of these banners and/or an ad in the program, please contact the fundraising chair.

HOME GAME CONCESSIONS: Football families and student volunteers work at the concession stand for two home games (Homecoming and one other game). The football program receives a percentage of the proceeds. Junior Varsity and Freshman families are responsible for manning the concession stand at these two games. This allows Varsity families the opportunity to watch their sons play. 

50/50 RAFFLE: Tickets are sold at all Varsity home games, except playoffs. Volunteers are needed to sell tickets from 30 minutes before the game begins until half time. Half of the money collected goes to the football program and the balance goes to a lucky winner. Preferably, Junior Varsity and Freshmen families are responsible for selling the 50/50 tickets. This allows Varsity families the opportunity to watch their sons play.